the cute li’l guy of the day

I’ve started another blog project called the cute li’l guy of the day. It is exactly what it sounds like. Unlike life, it’s kid friendly, so please pass it on to the wee ones as well as the hopelessly immature adults in your life. I do plan on updating it daily or so, although this could very well prove insane to attempt. If you go to the site, my two year old daughter Esther sings the cute li’l guys theme song (refresh the page for a different version), which truly enhances the experience… she is also helping me color some of them.

I’ve made a widget of it that you can embed in your blog, website, social networking page, digital orifice or what-have-you by clicking here, if you are inclined to do that sort of thing. The widget is embedded in the sidebar of the STWALLSKULL site, so you can follow it there as well, assuming you are not a cute lil guy hater.

I’m also using Cafe Press to simulate the existence of an obscene quantity of ridiculous cute li’l guy merchandise that you can choose to summon into reality by sacrificing money to them (and to me, although in smaller quantities, alas). The merchandise will be changing regularly as well… individual cute li’l guys will only be available on merchandise for a short time before they are replaced with other cute li’l guys.

You can subscribe to the cute li’l guys in a newsreader or via email here.

Click the image above to go to the site and read more about cute li’l guy of the day #1, fancy fred.

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