Cartooning & Illustration

danceparty_colorCartooning has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I’ve been printing my comics since I was a teenager, and I’ve been putting my comics on the web since before the turn of the century.

I was a founding member of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy in Minneapolis in 2002, an organization that has had cells located around the world.

I have been an editor, organizer, curator, designer and/or participant in a number of comics anthologies (most done in collaboration with the Cartoonist Conspiracy), including Weird Illustrated, Lutefisk Sushi Volumes A-E, BIG FUNNY, little funny, Jam War, Just Add Ink and Alley Cat, among others. Many of these anthologies were also in collaboration with a couple local Minneapolis art galleries (Altered Esthetics and Creative Electric Gallery), and included accompanying gallery shows and events.

My comics have been featured in Lutefisk Sushi volumes A-E, BIG FUNNY, Just Add Ink, Alley Cat, Comicopolis, Posters and Pints, and in the Hot Ink: Comic Art show at the Minnesota Museum of American Art.

I am also a featured cartoonist in the book Superheroes, Strip Artists, and Talking Animals: Minnesota’s Contemporary Cartoonists by Britt Aamodt, published by the Minnesota Historical Society.

If you want to read some of my comics, a lot of them are online. Here are some of my comics projects:

Strip Mall (with Ben Zmith)
Cyclops Monkey Rampage (with Ben Zmith)
Monkey’s Paw (with Ben Zmith)
Soapy the Chicken
The Beer Drinker’s Hall of Fame

Over the years, in addition to illustrating comics, I have illustrated concept art, storyboards, schematics, illustrations for childrens’ entertainment, game illustrations, illustrations to accompany articles and blog posts, and random doodles on every available scrap of paper I could get a moment alone with.

Here are some illustration projects I’ve worked on:

SQUIRMISH: The Card Game of Brawling Beasties
I Can Say “Hi!” Childrens’ Book Illustrations
University of Minnesota Driven to Discover Airport Baggage Carousel Wrap
The Beer Drinker’s Hall of Fame
Freaky Tiki