Category Archives: Comics

The Beer Drinker’s Hall of Fame

The Beer Drinker's Hall of Fame posterThe Beer Drinker’s Hall of Fame is a limited edition poster I illustrated and designed (printed by the enormously talented folks at Burlesque of North America) for the first annual Posters and Pints show. It featured images of the last 42 honorees that would have been inducted into that noble institution, had it actually existed.

The show featured 40 posters by 40 different drunken Minnesota artists, along with a number of breweries from the area sampling their wares. You can see a high-resolution image of the completed poster here. You can read more about the show at


Strip Mall


My latest webcomic strip is a collaboration with my good friend Ben Zmith about the denizens of a Strip Mall. In a moment of inspiration, we decided to call it Strip Mall.

stripmall_minisBen and I both write and draw the whole thing and then forget who did what.

In addition to putting it online, we are also currently printing it as a series of mini-comics… we have three issues printed so far of a projected ten, after which it will be a book.

Ben and I also collaborated on a previous webcomic about monsters and angry science called Monkey’s Paw, which we completed a couple years ago. We’re hoping to find the right publisher for that sometime soon. Currently, it can be read in its entirety online.

